Developing Your Intuition -Level 2

Developing Your Intuition -Level 2
Do you have the basic knowledge of how to become a psychic and how to be a medium? Are you looking to take the next step? We truly believe that psychic intuition needs only to be nurtured in order to flourish. If you are looking and have the desire to learn to be a psychic and a medium this 8 week interactive course is for you!
This course is offered online or in person and is 16 hours in length split into 2 hour sessions. It is available privately and in groups scheduled around one another's calendars. Full cost of this class is $480 with a pay as you go option available.
Each session is structured to thoroughly cover each psychic sense allowing you to learn through hands on practice in a safe environment. This class gives you strategies that have been found to be effective for every student.
During the experimental phase of the class, we will work towards learning your psychic mediumship potential to enhance your own natural abilities.
You will learn how to:
Connect by safely using your energy to connect from the “physical plane” to the “spiritual plane” along with how to “idle” in the astral plane of the energy body for multiple messages.
Understand yourself better and the ability to interact with family, friends, spirit guides and other sentient beings for your highest good and for others.
The ability to provide a private reading with a purpose that is meaningful and powerful.
Heather and Lisa offer full course support by email, phone and in person by appointment.