As a SoulCollage® facilitator who was missing teaching and working with the participants of my workshops and classes during the COVID pandemic, I developed a way in which those who want to stay connected through this art medium were be able to do so. I provided each participant with a packet that contained a card in which I had applied a background image, an assortment of random images, detail scissors and a glue stick. After sitting with the image and allowing it to evoke an emotion or vision, the participant then chose and added one or two images. Once this was done, I picked up the packets and switched them around. Now each participant had to look at a card which had a background plus one or two images, and then add one or two more to complete the card. The cards were then collected and duplicated so that each participant on a card was able to receive a copy. We then followed the round robins with a zoom gathering for participants to meet each other and discuss their cards and the meaning or messages they received from them.

The Round Robin blossomed into more than just a collaborative card, but an experience that included optional card making activities within the packets delivered. It is no longer just an experience but an opportunity for participants to connect with others in a very convenient manner. The packets have become a much anticipated delivery during the month the Round Robin is taking place. One Round Robin per season is conducted and is limited to the number of participants. If you have ever taken one class or had the experience of creating one SoulCollage® card, I urge you to join one. ~ Lisa Huppert