• Serenity Grove Wellness Center (map)
  • 9-29 Deer Hill Ln
  • Coventry, CT, 06238
  • United States

Collage means pasting or gluing papers onto a surface. The word collage is derived from the French

word coller, meaning “to paste”. Ripped paper collage is an abstract way in which to represent a feeling,

idea, or vision. It is meant to be fun and messy. There is no perfect right way in which to collage.

Anything that you put down that you don’t like can be glued over with another piece of paper. Come get

in touch with your creative said, let go and enjoy the collage process!

Location of this class: Education Room of the Hartford healthcare building at 1290 Silas Deane Highway in Wethersfield.

This class offered through the Art For Healing program of the Department of Integrative Medicine of Hartford Hospital.

Registration is required for the class. Register online using this link:Art For Healing Class or you can call /email Lisa Huppert (866-528-4355) at serenitygrovecenter@yahoo.com.

Fee: Free for cancer patients, survivors, thrivers, family members of cancer patients, or caregivers. All others a donation is requested but not necessary.