The Wheel of the Year are done with a 12 card spread meant to give clarity and direction for the next twelve month period. This spread will show you your most likeliest year ahead if nothing changes and you remain the same. We will guide you through the process of doing this spread for yourself. All materials for completion of this spread will be available. You can bring your own tarot deck, if you own one, or use one of ours.
Where: Mill Brook Place, 1267 Main St., Coventry CT
Fee: $20 per person
Payment Options: Through our website using PayPal, Venmo using @serenitygrovecenter, or cash/credit card at the door. However you decide to pay, must register for the event to save your seat. Register by calling 866-528-4355 or online using the following link: Wheel of the Year
Many Blessings,
Lisa Huppert & Rev. Heather DeLusso