Spring 2025 Round Robin

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Spring 2025 Round Robin


This will be the Winter round of this unique collaborative and creative SoulCollage® experience. There are 15 spots available for this round, which starts on Friday, April 4. Pick up and drop off of packets will take place on Fridays in January. The cost of the round robin remains on a sliding scale, anywhere from $0 - $25 is acceptable. You must register by checking out with $0 as the cost below.

Cash payment can be given on the pick up date of April 11 by placing the cash into the packet to be picked up. Alternately you can pay for the Round Robin by using Venmo (@serenitygrovecenter).

Each participant is provided with a packet that has instructions for the creation of SoulCollage cards for this round. The packet contains a mat cards, clear envelopes, an assortment of random images, detail scissors a glue stick, and other items or papers needed to complete the instructions. After a week, the completed or half completed cards are picked up and replaced with a new packet. The third date is for a final pick up of completed cards. The fourth date is a drop off date in which all completed cards done by the individual are returned. The round robin is followed by an optional zoom gathering for participants to meet each other and discuss their cards and the meaning or messages they received from them. That Zoom discussion date will be determined with input from the participants.

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