• Serenity Grove Wellness Center (map)
  • 9-29 Deer Hill Ln
  • Coventry, CT, 06238
  • United States

The Reiki system, a gentle "laying-on" of hands technique, helps restore balance in our lives and works on a holistic basis. It promotes well-being on a physical, emotional and spiritual level, recognizing the body's ability to heal itself. In the Level 2 Instruction course, students will receive a PDF training manual via email. You will receive Level 2 sacred symbols and attunement, as well as Reiki 2 Practitioner Certification.

Dates 4/8/2025 to 5/13/2025

Meeting Time: Tuesdays 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Location: Rockville High School

Fees: $115

Register through Vernon Regional Adult Based Education. Registration starts in January. Click here for registration.